Below are links and phone numbers to assist you in contacting area agencies and attractions. To suggest a helpful link. Click here.
Teller County Sheriff’s Office Emergencies Dial 911 Criminal Non-Emergencies (719) 687-9652 Code Enforcement 11400 W. Hwy 24 Animal Control Divide, CO
In the event that you have an issue, question, or concern about wildlife in the area, or you'd like to report illegal or suspicious activity, please reach out to the local Teller County Colorado Parks and Wildlife contacts.
Tim Kroening |
Joe Kraudelt |
Wildlife Officer |
Volunteer - Bear Aware Team |
719-227-5281 |
719-748-0115 or 719-661-0585 | |
Colorado Department of Transportation
1480 Quail Lake Loop # A
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Florissant Fire Rescue
Teller County Assessor's Office Property Records Search